RAW Silicia, Humic Acid, Kelp & Omina - Veg Booster Pack


Raw Silica, Humic Acid, Kelp and Omina Veg Booster Pack. 

RAW Omina is a soluble plant supplement that is used for horticultural purposes. This product is fully water Soluble which contains an essential form of vegan nitrogen that can be used at all stages.

A 2 oz package of RAW Omina (essential) makes up to 200 gallons.

Suitable for Hydroponics, Soil, Soilless and Coco systems.

NPK 14 - 0 - 0

Derived from Plant Protein Hydrolysate

RAW Silica is a flowable plant supplement that contains 45% Silicon Dioxide. This product has the highest concentration of Natural Silicon Dioxide available to the home gardener.  Unlike other Silica products RAW Silica is relatively PH Neutral. 

A 2 oz package of RAW Silica makes up to 200 gallons.

Suitable for Hydroponics, Soil, Soilless and Coco systems.

Derived Diatomite

RAW Humic Acid is a soluble plant supplement that contains 59% Humic Acids. This product contains the highest concentration of fully water Soluble Humic Acids available to the home gardener.  RAW Humic Acid can be used at all stages of growth and flowering.

A 2 oz package of RAW Humic Acid makes up to 200 gallons.

Suitable for Hydroponics, Soil, Soilless and Coco systems.

NPK 0 -0 - 4

Derived from Potassium Hydroxide, also contains non-plant food 59.0% Humic acids derived from Leonardite.

RAW Kelp is a soluble plant supplement that is 99% Kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum). This product is fully water Soluble and contains only 1% soluble potash which is a direct reflection of its purity. 

A 2 oz package of RAW Kelp makes up to 200 gallons.

Suitable for Hydroponics, Soil, Soilless and Coco systems.

NPK 0 - 0 - 1

Derived from Kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum), Potassium Hydroxide.

TIP: A wetting agent is very beneficial to nutrient solutions as well as foliar spray applications and can be used at all stages of growth and flowering.

kelp - 5.18, humic acid - 4.54, silica - 4.54, ominA - 5.75, total = 20.01