RAW Calcium Magnesium & Omina Pack
Raw Calcium Deficiency pack containing Calcium Magnesium and Omina
Two essential products:
1. Calcium / Magnesium: If you live in a soft water area, your plants could be lacking calcium and magnesium which are both essential for nutrient absorption and photosynthesis. Hard water helps your plants to absorb nutrients easier, which help throughout the grow cycle. Customers using RO systems will also have a deficiency in minerals and elements which this product helps address.
RAW's Calcium/Mag is an optimum ratio of fully water soluble calcium and magnesium. A 2 oz package of RAW Calcium/Mag makes up to 200 gallons. Suitable for Hydroponics, Soil, Soiless and Coco systems.
NPK 9 - 0 - 0
Nitrogen 9%
Calcium 15%
Magnesium 3%
Cal/ mag will harden soft water and also provide the right amount of Ca and Mg, while at the same time it helps raise EC levels to the correct range which is important to maintain in order for your plants to grow and flower efficiently. This will improve the overall health of plants on these systems.
Derived from Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Sulfate
2. Omina: a soluble plant supplement that is used for horticultural purposes. This product is fully water Soluble which contains an essential form of vegan nitrogen that can be used at all stages. A 2 oz package of RAW ominA (essential) makes up to 200 gallons. Suitable for Hydroponics, Soil, Soiless and Coco systems.
NPK 14 - 0 - 0
Derived from Plant Protein Hydrolysate